Saturday, August 30, 2008

With the addition of some little pools on the back patio, Jack has been thriving in the desert. Between time spent here in those pools, and time spent with Rebekah at the pool in Palm Springs or the pools on base, he is becoming a little water baby. Maybe we should have rented a house with a pool after all ... . He has developed a healthy desert tan - thankfully without getting burned at all. We are all enjoying learning about the mysteries of the desert as we continue to be amazed by the animals, the landscape and the weather. We have the most spectacular skies around here. Sunrise, sunset, the night sky - all are incredible. We can see the milky way pretty much every night. Astronomy lessons would be quite easy from our backyard. Rebekah has taken some great shots and hopefully I might even practice a little night photography. Lightning storms are also amazing. Some, like this morning, are accompanied by rain, though that is rare and most of the time we can just see the bolts moving across the desert. We had a spectacular storm last week at sunset and Rebekah got the best pictures. Amazingly, after just our one big rain, the desert has become quite green. At first I thought I was hallucinating as the change has been gradual over the last two weeks, but it is definitely the case that the desert floor, at least up here by our house, has green covering with some tiny yellow flowers, and the bushes are increasingly green. I have been meaning to get some shots - hopefully that can happen today.

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